Bent out of shape

By Illektra - 18/11/2021 11:00

Today, I was doing my makeup. Halfway through, I asked my SO what he thought of it, as I was working on a new eyeshadow technique. He said my eyeshadow looked great, but that, "One eyebrow is up here and the other is down there," and that I should fix it. I hadn't done my eyebrows yet. That's just where they are. FML
I agree, your life sucks 806
You deserved it 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never ask a man his opinion on make-up. We don't know shit about that. Our opinions are uninformed and useless.

At least it doesn't look like a freakishly large caterpillar being chased by a smaller one, or does it??


Never ask a man his opinion on make-up. We don't know shit about that. Our opinions are uninformed and useless.

At least it doesn't look like a freakishly large caterpillar being chased by a smaller one, or does it??