By Anonymous - 27/09/2009 00:40 - United States

Today, I was at a baseball game. I was eating my nachos when all of the sudden I woke up in the hospital, with my dad sitting next to the bed. Apparently, I was hit with a foul ball. He kept the ball for himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 715
You deserved it 3 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Apparently, you like getting smacked with balls. Why do you want it? I wouldn't want to hold onto balls other people have held and smacked around.


Apparently, you like getting smacked with balls. Why do you want it? I wouldn't want to hold onto balls other people have held and smacked around.

well anyways what the **** do you do at baseball games?... eat nochoes?.. not watch the damn baseball game? how bout move ur eyes to the game fat ass -.- YDI

53 ur an idiot. People look down at their food when they eat and he got unlucky. Still sux his dad kept the ball.

Vash_41288 10

@54 in the army you always look around when your eating and make sure your aware of your surroundings I guess its a good idea to do that everywhere though lol

Your dad was nice enough to stay by your bed to see if your ok! Try to be more optimistic!

LemonadePink 0

Yeah really, what happened to the nachos? Did your dad eat them?

v1kt4r 13

YDI for not paying attention to the game

ShadowlessSpear 21

If he was closely watching the ball, what would he do? Dodge it? Think before you comment.

You should've shoved the ball up his ass.

simplyn2deep 2

oh wow. i just read were a fan caught 3 foul balls at the Angels Baseball game today