By nabru - 06/11/2018 14:30 - Brazil - Florian?polis

Today, I reached my goal weight. My arms and legs are thin, but my face looks horrible and my belly didn't reduce an inch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 825
You deserved it 292

Top comments

ViviMage 38

It can take a while for fat to redistribute, or you did targeted workouts and missed a few spots!

ThatGuy9679 13

I don't think that's how it works, you can'tl spot reduce fat


ViviMage 38

It can take a while for fat to redistribute, or you did targeted workouts and missed a few spots!

ThatGuy9679 13

I don't think that's how it works, you can'tl spot reduce fat

josieocal016 1

Fat doesn't "redistribute", it comes off or accumulates depending on simple energy in/energy out physics and the location often depends on genetic predisposition. Targeted workouts have nothing to do with fat loss.

You can’t target certain body parts to lose fat at. Fat melts away evenly. It’s the diet she followed that did that. People concentrate so much on calories input output and not more protein and good carbs/fats.

Fat does not go away evenly, Fat works in the FILO format; First in, Last out. The first areas where fat is stored is the last place it will shed from. Everyone's body is different so spots can change, but its usually the midsection for the majority of people. Also depends on your race/DNA! OP's stomach is probably the last spot, and even then, losing weight doesn't mean skinny. You have to tone, and the more toning you do, the more fat gets burned! Keep at it, OP!

You’re right. “Evenly” was a stretch. I’m just a nazi about crash diets and people who think they can target reduce.

Get big boob implants and no one will notice your belly. It worked for me — and I’m a dude!

Not the way I rock ‘em. Everyone notices everything I do! Moobs!

This is why working out and not just eating better make a difference. Also if you lost a lot of weight fairly quickly it can take time for you body to normalize, things like your rib cage take time to adjust to weight changes.

Working out has nothing to do with why she has belly fat still. That’s all in her diet.

Reminds me of cost cutting at my employer... As working people kept getting released, management just got bigger.

SaucierGirl 20

Work on reducing your stress. That will help with fat distribution.

Great point! OP if you wanna google more info on that it's about high cortisol levels.

I'm by no means an expert, but by observing the successes and failures of those around me, I have just one main tip for you: weight loss is best done through full body exercises such as jogging, swimming, or other sports. Dieting can help to an extent, but it will never get the whole job done satisfactorily.

Dieting is HUGE. You can never do enough push ups or run enough to burn an unhealthy meal. And the best way to burn fat is heavy weight lifting. Even for women. If you have time for either cardio or weights, always chose weights.

Her biggest mistake was her diet. I’m assuming she crash dieted. Only focused on her input output and not what she was putting in her body. Protein and healthy carbs and fats are key.

Perhaps try changing your workout routine. You can't necessarily target fat, but perhaps changing from "weight loss" to "muscle building" or even cardio might help you.

Depends on what you did, to reach your goal

See a doctor! It sounds like you might have some serious health problems.