Baseless accusation

By 00sasori - 27/03/2013 05:41 - Canada - Vancouver

Today, I was on a bumpy bus ride and had to write a note, so I held my notebook against the bus window to steady my hand. An elderly woman then yelled at me, accusing me of drawing graffiti on the window. The bus driver kicked me off and I had to wait an hour in the rain for the next bus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 237
You deserved it 3 005

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Zommie 2

Learn to stick up for yourself OP.


Why did you get off? If it was me I wouldn't get off.

maybe don't try to be productive on a public bus? just pee in the corner like everyone else haha just a thought

I like to pass the time by poking people with my spork, whom I dubbed "King Henry VIII." I sing his song every time I poke someone. Exceot people peeing in the corners. Their odor grants them immunity. Lol

perdix 29

#41, you are definitely Public Transportation material. Stay crazy;) !

lmao! You say that now....until I one day grace YOUR public transportation. ;) *cue foreboding, overly dramatic music* Lol

perdix 29

#49, don't hold your breath because it's characters like you that scare the shit out of me and keep me driving my own personal car. I sometimes think it's a massive conspiracy among Big Auto, Big Oil and Big Insurance to subsidize lunatics like you on public transport to frighten us in the timid herd into buying their overpriced products. At least I'll know how to address my next spork ;)

You may feel safe now, until you're driving down the highway after work one day and you feel a slight jab on your right shoulder before you hear the soft sound coming from your backseat..."I'm Henry VIII, I am, I am..." This will consequently cause an accident...your fault. I work for the insurance company...of all the other drivers. Lol

perdix 29

#51, and I as I get out to inspect the damage, one of the other drivers sings, "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there." You've snuck out the other side and your outfit of trash bags and a cardboard crown has magically changed into a crisp, business suit, and your spork has transformed into a pen and clipboard. I'm so screwed!

I love long comment conversations. make me feel like we're all friends hahaha

perdix 29

#58, I like them, too, when they become like improve comedy sketches (see my profile), but I don't like the ones that turn into fights.

well I vehemently disagree! furthermore I question your intelligence to make myself feel superior

@54: and the wild coyote gnawing on my pant leg transforms into a white stallion & I ride off into the sunset with the fisherman guy from the "other" insurance company. we build a house & raise a family of spork-lovers off that dollar nobody could ever catch off his fishing pole. *dreamy sigh*

still_guns 16

Because a think notepad of paper is REALLY going to transfer on to glass ******* old people, chuck them in holes and keep them there

I think the old lady needs some thicker glasses... lolz

error404n0tf0und 21

its alright, if they do it wont long.

i guess you drew (puts on sunglasses) the shortest stick!

how can you graffiti on a bus window? Surely most pens would wipe off too easily? Or not show up at all in the case of biro/pencil I'm guessing.

You can always use a knife or a razer.

Both FYL and YDI. FYL you had to stand in the rain for a full hours. YDI because you just got off without ******* explaining, if you truly didn't do anything wrong, then he has NO right to kick you off, and if he tries to use force for it, you can go as far as sue him. Stand up for yourself.

Well, at least now you can get your notes written steadily.