Bad choice

By chopchop - 25/12/2019 01:00

Today, I went to a different hairdresser than usual to get 5 inches off my hair and bangs. He ended up charging me half price, saying, "Don't worry, we all make mistakes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 721
You deserved it 242

Same thing different taste

Top comments

leximichelle 13

You realize you don’t actually have to pay them if they screw up your hair that badly, right?

I think he thought you just had your hair cut by someone else...and he was fixing it and gave you a good price...It wasn’t him that he was saying screwed up...


leximichelle 13

You realize you don’t actually have to pay them if they screw up your hair that badly, right?

I think he thought you just had your hair cut by someone else...and he was fixing it and gave you a good price...It wasn’t him that he was saying screwed up...

leximichelle 13

Then why would he complain about the person who “fixed” the hair as opposed to the person who wrecked it in the first place.

Nhayaa 21

Yep. We all do. Like when you write "then" instead of "than". And when FML publishes it anyway with no corrections...

julfunky 29

You failed to comment on whether or not the hairstyle was bad. I find it hard to believe a hairdresser managed to screw up a basic trim. Even the most mediocre hairdresser can manage to cut off 5 inches just fine.