Away with the fairies

By peoplesuck - 14/05/2009 07:51 - United States

Today, I stayed up all night to study for my anatomy final at 9 a.m. I studied outside the testing room in the hall all night. Apparently, I fell asleep with my headphones on, as my friend woke me up after walking out of the test, asking how I did. 300 classmates walked by and no one woke me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 132
You deserved it 15 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never stay up all night studying. You just won't remember it.

Just an FYI for the future: it is better to study less and get 6-9 hours of sleep than study more and get less. You will remember things better with more sleep. Studies have shown those that get more sleep, even after studying less did better.


This is your fault. You should have studied BEFORE the night before the test. You also should have stayed at home and actually slept. Your body needs sleep to function at its best.

Next time read the chapters when you cover them in class. It's your fault you waited till the last minute to study. YDI

AntiChrist7 0

if you study the whole night, it means you're too lazy to do something during the school year. don't blame your class mates. YDI

sjsturgill 0

That's why I always slept in my be with the book under the pillow... always worked for me

@15, uhhhh, I've NEVER taken a final and had roll taken beforehand. Taken your final is proof of your attendance. Professors and TAs aren't hired to be babysitters. It isn't their responsibility to make sure you show up to your final. If they had noticed the OP wasn't there, then what should they have done? Called? Sent out a search party? Give me a break. If you're in college, it is a reasonable assumption that you will be responsible enough to make it to your exams. If not, then bombing a class and throwing away several months worth of work because you slept through an exam might be a life lesson you need.

#12 - it's 7/16th of 1 inch to turn the Caps Lock Key off. OP: You have cruel classmates. FYL. But next time, start studying long before your exams. That way you won't have this happen again.

Quick question... why did you make this post at almost 4am ???? A bit contradicting. If you had stayed up the night before you would probably be asleep now.

Rodriguezs19 0


suaveneanderthal 0

you little bitch you didnt study all night because you fell asleep dumb shit. maybe if you had actually studied all night you would of went to the test because you would of been AWAKE thats kind of what studying all night means, not going to sleep otherwise it wouldn't be all night now would it? sounds like you got into a shitty college anyway so i'm sure your prof will let you retake it when you tell him your sob story. congrats.

elfuzzo 0

YDI for having shitty study habits. Enjoy flipping burgers.