
By JC12345 - 18/03/2009 04:35 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time. Afterwards we went to Applebee's for dinner, then after we'd ate I asked, "How was it?" he says, "It was terrible", to which I said, "The food was that bad?" He replies, "No, the sex". FML
I agree, your life sucks 90 976
You deserved it 13 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. youre definitely a virgin if you think you could confuse pussy with a hole in a mattress.

We can't all be good... practice makes perfect.


squeaky_fml 0

Never, EVER ask how it was. If it was good you'll be told. So, if you have to ask, your either going to get a lie or an answer like that.

squeaky_fml 0

#55 wins. But anyway, that was a jerk thing to say, even if it was a joke. When guys that are bad in bed ask me this question I say "good enough that I'm willing to do it again in the future". See you CAN be honest without being completely mean.

Wow, what an ass. You should dump that loser. Shit, even if it wasn't good to him he shouldn't have said that. He could have suggested something for next time, but no need to be a dick about it. Don't worry about it, he just sounds like an asshole who probably just picking up girls for sex anyway.

329329 0

I seriously hope you aren't still with him. What an asswhole! But it wouldn't hurt to get a lil' revenge before you go your separate ways...

dude, every dude should know their first time sucks ass. But it gets so much better the second time, goddamn

I agree, take him to the balcony , strip him naked and shackle his hands on the fence and let him freeze outside. what a jerk!

lol maybe he was feeling bad about HIS performance #3... im sure he can tell the difference... shed just come off as a retard