All you need is hate

By Anonymous - 10/08/2013 21:30 - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, my mother-in-law yelled from across the house for me to come quickly. She sounded frantic, so I rushed and asked what was wrong. She said, "Nothing." and that she just wanted to remind me that she hates my guts. She'll be living here with me and my wife for the next two months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 660
You deserved it 3 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Apparently she's never heard of " The Boy Who Cried Wolf."

"I'll remember that when you have your inevitable heart attack."


what a bitch! Just fill your pockets with glitter and everyone she says something stupid or rude,reach into your pocket with a dead expression on your face and toss glitter over her head like a baptism of stupid

pretty funny when people copy memes and try to pass it off as their own shit lol

pssedoffmom 7

I would be telling her to get out of my house

#44, with a user name like that, I'd expect there to be a lot of pissed-off mom FMLs you can enlighten us with. I await your submissions.

If she's staying in your home, she needs to treat you with respect. Make that abundantly clear. If she can't abide by that, she needs to find somewhere else to stay.

taka3000000o 8

I think you should remind her who owns the house

Can't you just kick her out if she is just going to be a bitch don't let her stay

Spider_Web 11

the letters in mother-in-law can be rearranged to say "woman hitler"