By madessalarouge - 20/10/2018 23:00 - United States

Today, my 4 year old son excitedly asked me if he'd get to see drones at the zoo. He apparently thinks drones are living creatures. I guess I can go ahead and spend his college savings on shoes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 670
You deserved it 1 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Come on now, he's four. How is he supposed to know that unless you teach him?

What is wrong with you? He’s not even in school yet. What he doesn’t know is on you.


Come on now, he's four. How is he supposed to know that unless you teach him?

Exactly. This isn't a case of "dumb kid", but "mom who wants an excuse to buy new shoes".

saffy66 34

Drones are living creatures. Do some research on bees. Probably not the kind he meant, but still...

What is wrong with you? He’s not even in school yet. What he doesn’t know is on you.

Cut him some slack. He's only four years old, so OF COURSE he doesn't know all the basics yet. It's your job to teach him.

I can understand your reaction if he's in 3rd grade or above, but come on, you're acting like that over somebody who didn't even start Kindergarten yet?

Get the shoes and send him to a lesser college.

teapotfighter 6

Drones are real creatures (male bees), but that's probably not the kind of drone he is thinking of.

F.O.C.U.S. **** off cuz ur stupid. Comes handy when people complain over stupid shit, or when someone wants homework help on every problem because "you know what you're doing." used this a lot in highschool.

geniusness 6

he is 4 after all they barely have a concept of time at that age soooo not surprising