By Anonymous - 13/10/2013 16:20 - United States - Bessemer

Today, after holing myself up in my room for the day, I eventually turned my phone back on and told my girlfriend that my grandma passed away today. She replied, "Ask me if I fucking care," then accused me of not caring about our relationship because I went offline all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 809
You deserved it 4 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AznShadowWc 9

If she can't respect your family, dump her ass


shes a girlfriend, not an employee.

And then roll her in salt for good measure >:)

at this day and age? when was it any different? people used to marry for the good of the community not even out of love. I personally think we've come a long way

Dump her insensitive, self-centered bitch ass!!!

27 - OP would have to wait until December 13 to do that. Seems counterproductive.

someone explain this to me I don't get it lol

can someone get me coordinates for an incendiary air strike on that insensitive piece of shit? I wanna help out OP.

187, i already said that. but on the internet, the popular vote is the way it is. just follow everybody else and leave me here to be ****** over by downvotes.

Can I contribute? The Brazen Bull seems fitting.

AznShadowWc 9

If she can't respect your family, dump her ass

michaelaranda 28

in todays world, staying connected is more important than family.

Why downvote 23? I'm pretty sure it was sarcasm. Lighten up, FML community!

or it could just be an observation and not a personal opinion. The world doesn't revolve around sarcasm ya know.

sorry for your loss OP.. R.I.P grandma

Sorry for your loss. OP. You definitely need to end this relationship and find someone who is a little more respectful of your feelings and your family.

Normally I hate the "you mean ex" comments. In this case, however, I feel it's totally spot on. OP if you don't dump this egocentric sperm receptacle, you deserve all the misery that comes to pass from this horrid relationship.

jensen21 19

I love that you used "sperm receptacle." I may borrow the term for later use.

I think the proper term is cum dumpster.

kyu_Q 19

but sperm receptacle is much better

That was so uncalled for. I understand why you'd want to hole yourself up. Sorry for your loss, OP

Your girlfriend is a horrible waste of human flesh

She just doesn't care if someone dies. Is not waste of human flesh. But she could have been nicer about it.

I don't think there is a nice way to say "I don't care that one of your family members died." OP's girlfriend is a boil-ridden anus.

@Grayness really? Do you even realize the gravity of what she has done? 1. she got angry at OP for being offline all day, indicating that he should have been paying attention to her 2. even after learning of the death of OP's grandma, did her actions imply dat OP paying attention to her was more important than the death of one of OP's loved ones 3. the worst thing about this FML is that she could not understand the grieving OP was doing, she could not understand why he was doing it, thus implying that OP himself should have been as indifferent to his grandma's death as she is. I ask you again: really? This is not just about the death of OP's loved one. It's also about not respecting OP enough to understand that he, unlike her, grieves for such a person. But hey, that's just my opinion. So whatever, yeah

myoukei 31

@celtic: Don't worry, rotten people like grayness an OP's girlfriend deserve one another. Us kindhearted folk don't need scum like them on the market.

This may be the worst FML I will ever read. That selfish Bitch.

You clearly must be new to the FML community. There are some really messed up FMLs that have been posted. That's not to say this one isn't up there as well, just brace yourself cause there are much worse.

SkyGuy32 17

I've been reading FMLs for over a year and this is definitely one of the worst.

What were you doing holed up in your room without using the internet? (Because you said you were offline)

Probably overcome by the death of his grandmother. The internet isn't a way of life, you know.

Oh and usually when ppl are holed up in their rooms it's because they are on the internet

musiciangirl591 16

sometimes people need time alone, internet isn't so good when you're grieving

The internet isn't a way of life?? speak for yourself!

So sorry about your loss, OP. Start to rethink your relationship status, but only after you've taken the time to cope with the emotional impact of loss. Until then, this can wait. Hopefully she'll go away on her own, the superficial bitch.