By Noname - 26/02/2009 17:49 - United States

Today, I saw my ex-girlfriend across the street. I was walking with a girl whom I'd been hooking up with and wanted to make my ex-girlfriend jealous. I kissed her and she immediately smacked me. I got a "ha-ha" text message from my ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 587
You deserved it 96 892

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adelaide_evening 0

That's what you get for trying to make your ex-girlfriend jealous. And if you had been hooking up with the girl, why in the world would she smack you just for kissing her?

Wtf, why would she hit you for kissing her?? #2 - That's what I want to know, too!


adelaide_evening 0

That's what you get for trying to make your ex-girlfriend jealous. And if you had been hooking up with the girl, why in the world would she smack you just for kissing her?

Tkdxxxse 0

he should have threw her on the ground and raped her then she would slap hiS other head

Maybe they were just friends with benefits???

Wtf, why would she hit you for kissing her?? #2 - That's what I want to know, too!

thats funny north london collegiant girls are gay init

Lotus_Eater 0

That's what you get for being immature.

Are you sure you've been hooking up with this girl? Maybe she would call it something should clear that up with her and then write an FML about how you thought you've been hooking up with a girl but apparently according to her you havn't.

LOL, you deserved it, sorry. #8, maybe she didn't know it was his ex.

haygurlhay 0

Your fault, nothing more to it.

HA! i laughed out loud for that one. loser. thats what you get for: a) trying to make your ex jealous... you were already with another girl! b) using the girl you were "hooking up" with just for some petty bullshit LOL