
By kjmsit - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I reached into my fridge to grab a strawberry soda. I noticed the can had started to leak from the top so I slurped up the spilt red liquid on the top of the can. I realized it wasn't soda, but blood from a defrosting steak on the shelf above it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 297
You deserved it 23 888

Top comments

Oh man, nasty! That's why meat goes on the bottom. Hope you don't get sick.

Are you vegetarian? That'd be even worse.


EW. You shouldn't put meat on the bottom shelf because it's too warm at the bottom- TEMPERATURE ZONES PEOPLE!!! Also you shouldn't drink soda if its already opened...thats disgusting in and of itself. But still FYL because that's just disgusting.

#4 why would he have meat in the first place if he were a vegetarian? FYL.

DeadMansCrack 4

#25 , you're my hero...OP that sucks, hope you dont get sick

@ #126/DeadMansCrack - Thank you valiant sir.

EW, gross! FYL indeed, I hope you don't get sick or anything.

#31: Cold travels DOWNWARD, not upward. And I wouldn't buy a refrigerator that tells you to do the OPPOSITE of what you'd learn in any FoodSafe course. That's just bad design.

Well, in Finland most of the fridges have the coldest part in the top and the warmest in the bottom. I guess it varies based on where the cool air is flowing in from. You know, if the cool air comes from the top, the top will be the coldest part but it will still travel downwards. This is the only image that I could find with some quick Googlin'. http://www.quicksnapper.com/files/10495/11060553094A38E5E4EFDF1.png and this is the only piece of text I could find (in English) "The door is usually the warmest part and the top shelf is often the warmest shelf (this can vary with the make of your fridge - check the manual for particular details of your model)."

theswarm666x 1

yum, cross contamination. BTW if a can is leaking it probably means that it went bad. remember ready to eat food is always stored above raw-to-be-cooked food.

DigitalShoelaces 0