
By kjmsit - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I reached into my fridge to grab a strawberry soda. I noticed the can had started to leak from the top so I slurped up the spilt red liquid on the top of the can. I realized it wasn't soda, but blood from a defrosting steak on the shelf above it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 297
You deserved it 23 888

Top comments

Oh man, nasty! That's why meat goes on the bottom. Hope you don't get sick.

Are you vegetarian? That'd be even worse.


I think this is the closest I have come to throwing up after reading an FML -_- FYL, that's disgusting

shit luck, that's terrible! And #163, go rape a barn animal. It's their decision.

dykeinlove 0

i think its strange so many people havent heard of strawberry soda. they have it every where here (oregon). in some stores you can find red licorice soda too. its yummy!

atnikolov85 0

I might be wrong, but it's unlikely a soda can will leak, esp. from the top. First the top is fairly tough. But also, the can is under pressure. If it has a small crack in it, the soda will spray out and not just leak.

yeah ive never heard of strawberry soda,weird

frogwentfml 0

Could have been a LOT worse.

Always keep meat on the bottom so stuff like this doesn't happen.

kellster 2

There is too much wrong with this to even say. I am so disgusted. 1) At your unhygienic meat-thawing processes (put that shit on a plate!! Don't put it above anything else! Put it in a meat drawer or something! Something, anything other than this! 2) Leaking can = don't drink whatever was in it!! Return to store, demand refund. 3) Leaking can = drips downward. Understanding of gravity fail. 4) Strawberry soda? FYL.

gogreener 0

duuude, that happened to me once, but with raw chicken. My snapple bottle was next to some tomatoes, so when I saw the juice on the bottom of the bottle, I thought it was my tomatoes that had gone bad. I had gotten some on my fingers, and it tasted real baaad. Thats when I realized it was from the raw chicken hidden in the back of the shelf. >:0