You sure it's just the posh name?

By hyphenated - 26/05/2022 10:00

Today, for what seems like the thousandth time, one of my new friends has cut me out of their life after I told them my last name. It’s hyphenated and I’m a woman, which means I'm “automatically” a stuck-up bitch. I'm not married, I was born with this last name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 909
You deserved it 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've never heard of that stereotype, are you sure that is not because you're either coming across that way, or you really are stuck up? if it was one person, then maybe. but a whole bunch of them? find a disinterested person and ask them to critique your personality/ attitude and work from there. if you don't want to be that person, get some help to work on yourself. if you feel there is nothing wrong with you, then maybe the real housewives can accept you into their friend club.

What the ****. I have a hyphenated last name and have lived all 21 years of my life without any issues of this kind. Clearly there’s something else at play


mattiagardin 15

Yeah I'm sure it's the surname fault

I've never heard of that stereotype, are you sure that is not because you're either coming across that way, or you really are stuck up? if it was one person, then maybe. but a whole bunch of them? find a disinterested person and ask them to critique your personality/ attitude and work from there. if you don't want to be that person, get some help to work on yourself. if you feel there is nothing wrong with you, then maybe the real housewives can accept you into their friend club.

Good idea, with two caveats. 1) You need to choose a person from a nation with lots of hyphenated last names. Try Quebec. 2) To avoid any prejudice caused by your real name, use a nice-sounding fake name when meeting the person. Think Gloria Connor, not Karen McBitch.

If that's the case, then they are super shallow and you're probably better off not having them as friends anyway. As others suggested, it's a good idea to get an impartial 3rd party to assess, just to confirm that is the case, if you haven't already.

What the ****. I have a hyphenated last name and have lived all 21 years of my life without any issues of this kind. Clearly there’s something else at play

In social situations, just tell people one of the parts of your last name. Save the full name for formal settings or legal forms. Good luck, Miss Dahmer-Hitler.

wrenavery90 12

I have never heard of anyone objecting to someone's last name. Are you sure it ts not your personality?