Dirty work

By Anonymous - 18/07/2021 19:01 - United States - Bettendorf

Today, I was woken up ungodly early by my dad, who didn't give me even 5 seconds to wake up before barking orders at me to clean the septic tank screen, because it was clogged, but he needed to go to work. Conveniently, he'd already had a shower and "didn't notice" the gurgling toilet until he was done. FML
I agree, your life sucks 968
You deserved it 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rotflqtms_ 21

damn, I'm half considering buying a property with a septic tank, but I'm really still on the fence... leaning closer to no... All the places with septic tanks are huuugggee... I feel bad that you have to touch that. Don't they have to get it maintained and pumped every 3-5 years and inspected every 3 years? Didn't realize you had to do it yourself or even could...


rotflqtms_ 21

damn, I'm half considering buying a property with a septic tank, but I'm really still on the fence... leaning closer to no... All the places with septic tanks are huuugggee... I feel bad that you have to touch that. Don't they have to get it maintained and pumped every 3-5 years and inspected every 3 years? Didn't realize you had to do it yourself or even could...

Septic tanks recycle the water back into the ground. The only need to get one pumped would be if there's a problem.