You alright?

By lanexox1d - 24/06/2022 04:00 - Canada - Oshawa

Today, I laughed so hard at a show, I threw up all over myself. The show in question? iCarly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 272
You deserved it 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Causing laughter is the intended effect of the show. I'm not sure if inducing vomiting is a stretch goal. At least the show in question wasn't one of those about serial killers. Then, you'd have real problems.

iCarly is legendary in its own right so you have nothing to be ashamed about. Makes me proud to be Gen Z. Gen Alpha will never have glorious TV shows on the rate their predecessors had. *sniffles over the nostalgia*


Causing laughter is the intended effect of the show. I'm not sure if inducing vomiting is a stretch goal. At least the show in question wasn't one of those about serial killers. Then, you'd have real problems.

iCarly is legendary in its own right so you have nothing to be ashamed about. Makes me proud to be Gen Z. Gen Alpha will never have glorious TV shows on the rate their predecessors had. *sniffles over the nostalgia*