Work is hell

By Levi2411 - 06/01/2021 11:01

Today, I had to do the job of 3 to 4 people. Spending the first half in the bakery by myself, I then had to run over to the deli and cook everything for the day while helping lines of customers. Why? Because 8 people are on Covid leave. Instead of shutting down the department, welcome to hell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 088
You deserved it 1 230

Same thing different taste

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Sady_Ct 37

Our government is currently paying so much in welfare that people won’t work, this means we are short of staff too. It sucks when you gotta do 10 times the work for the same pay which is still less than people on their asses at home. FYL and mine aa well.

Sady_Ct 37

Our government is currently paying so much in welfare that people won’t work, this means we are short of staff too. It sucks when you gotta do 10 times the work for the same pay which is still less than people on their asses at home. FYL and mine aa well.