Applause at 8

By ThisIsYourDoc - 18/05/2023 06:00 - Switzerland - Worb

Today, I work at a rural hospital where personnel is so short-staffed that we have to take double shifts without time to prepare food at home, and the place is too small to have a place to order food from. I lived off of sandwiches the entire week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 722
You deserved it 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You get bored with sandwiches. Better to have one week of sandwiches, one week of salads, one week of cold leftovers, one week of onigiris, one week of wraps, etc. It would be even better if this hospital had a working microwave or two.

Too small to order food from, but hopefully not too small to have food delivered to.


Too small to order food from, but hopefully not too small to have food delivered to.

You get bored with sandwiches. Better to have one week of sandwiches, one week of salads, one week of cold leftovers, one week of onigiris, one week of wraps, etc. It would be even better if this hospital had a working microwave or two.

There's nothing wrong with sandwiches. They're quick and easy, and you can have a variety of different kinds. There are dozens of lunch meats out there, plus peanut butter (and a ton of different flavors of jelly) and even different kinds of bread. It could be a lot worse.