Wild accusation

By Allissa - 13/02/2024 18:00 - United States

Today, my husband accused me of having an incestuous relationship with my deceased father, all because we haven’t had sex in months due to my grieving. According to him, no one grieves that hard for someone unless they were in love or fucking them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 609
You deserved it 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is he... is he really that ******* stupid?

i can't imagine why you aren't aroused by your husband /s


Is he... is he really that ******* stupid?

i can't imagine why you aren't aroused by your husband /s

karan7991kumar 6

it’s either I “can’t” imagine with “are” or I “can” imagine with “aren’t”

your husband is an asshole, and not giving him any for that is valid. but months is a bit excessive, don't be surprised when he goes somewhere else

Grateful @21 6

Uhm How Dare he. Separation papers.