Mother of the year

By Anonymous - 13/02/2024 21:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my daughter asked me if I could have the kids overnight, even though I’d babysat all day, all because she just got home and was too tired to make the drive to pick them up. She only lives two minutes away. I can see her house from my bathroom window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 604
You deserved it 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you told her no and that she had to pick them up. you have a life to

Learn to say no. Her kids are her responsibility


I hope you told her no and that she had to pick them up. you have a life to

Learn to say no. Her kids are her responsibility

I'd say "Sure, but it'll co$t you." She'll find the energy to pick them up.

I know everyone will chose the hostile response. But sometimes after coming from work you really don't have energy to move kids. Which btw is not just driving them, but actually dealing with all the bed ritual. As a mom, which probably has experience, you probably know that. And can help her get control back over herlife and help her where it counts. (Maybe watching the kids in her house and help with the bed ritual). And to all those poster it's her problem. Remember that humans were never meant to live without big family around them. Traditionally, and evolutionary kids were the responsibility of the entire close clan. What is being asked from parents these days of working full time and then being a parent full time, is inhumane.

hopejm 5

so tell me how millions of single parents do it without any free help from a parent. besides, if she had asked nicely, without some lame bullshit excuse while absolutely taking advantage of her mother, it might be a little different.

hopejm 5

from her response and location to you, she's blatantly taking advantage of you

Sounds like you did not say “No” to her enough when she was younger.

If it's really that close, walk them home and drop them off.

Grateful @21 6

I Would've Politely got the kids Ready,Walk them Home.Leave them at door. tell them don't move..Ring the Doorbell or knock on the door. and hide just enough to where she couldn't see.