Who run the world? Cats!

By tease_ftx - 31/08/2017 13:00

Today, as I was laying down to sleep, I grabbed my covers and realized the cat pissed on them and on my body pillow. Now I'm up at 1 a.m. doing laundry so I can have clean bedding and my kids are awake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 194
You deserved it 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TempestXO 14

How do you know for sure it was the cat? Maybe it was your kids.

Cats urine has a very distinct & pungent odor. Trust me, there is no mistaking it!


TempestXO 14

How do you know for sure it was the cat? Maybe it was your kids.

Cats urine has a very distinct & pungent odor. Trust me, there is no mistaking it!

Do you only have 1 set of bedding? You may wanna invest in more.

You only own one set of bedding? You couldn't have just changed your sheets and done the laundry in the morning?

Thank you for the down-thumb without giving me an answer. I genuinely have no idea what it is. I guess I'll go to google instead of relying on some sort of human interaction. Cheers, chum.