Ruining the moment

By Anali - 28/05/2021 04:01

Today, I saw the girl my ex cheated on me with had her baby. I wrote a comment on her photo about how the baby was a product of her affair with my ex. She disabled her comments and I kept getting DM’s about how I should, "stop being so negative." Apparently infidelity is not frowned upon these days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 640
You deserved it 1 774

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rotflqtms_ 21

I hope you are just as upset with your ex as you are with her. He is the one who made a commitment and broke it. We need to start holding men accountable for their actions as well. We don't know the whole story. We don't know if she even knew he was cheating. She may have been the one he cheated with, but if he's gonna cheat, he's gonna cheat. Doesn't matter who he does it with, he is the one who cheated. I can't blame you for hating the other woman, and I wouldn't be the other woman, but it really is time we stop placing more blame on the other woman than on the man who made an actual commitment to you and broke it. You two decided to be in a monogamous relationship and HE broke his commitment to you by cheating. Who knows how many other women he had before he knocked this one up? I'd say you're better off without him. It takes TWO to tango, don't let him off the hook while you go after the female and the innocent baby who didn't ask to be born.

Because, no matter what, you dont post something like that under a pic of a new mother and a baby. Keep it with the adults, the kids have nothing to do with it, nor her family, no matter now how much you were hurt. The baby is a blessing to Somebody, so you keep comments under baby pictures appropriate and classy, not bitter and messy, no matter how much its deserved.


Boyufd 24

why are people voting ydi?

Because, no matter what, you dont post something like that under a pic of a new mother and a baby. Keep it with the adults, the kids have nothing to do with it, nor her family, no matter now how much you were hurt. The baby is a blessing to Somebody, so you keep comments under baby pictures appropriate and classy, not bitter and messy, no matter how much its deserved.

Also because it makes no sense to follow either the ex or the person they cheated with on social media.

doesn't make the child less loved why write nasty things, the child has its entire life ahead of it

The baby is innocent, leave its mother alone.

rotflqtms_ 21

I hope you are just as upset with your ex as you are with her. He is the one who made a commitment and broke it. We need to start holding men accountable for their actions as well. We don't know the whole story. We don't know if she even knew he was cheating. She may have been the one he cheated with, but if he's gonna cheat, he's gonna cheat. Doesn't matter who he does it with, he is the one who cheated. I can't blame you for hating the other woman, and I wouldn't be the other woman, but it really is time we stop placing more blame on the other woman than on the man who made an actual commitment to you and broke it. You two decided to be in a monogamous relationship and HE broke his commitment to you by cheating. Who knows how many other women he had before he knocked this one up? I'd say you're better off without him. It takes TWO to tango, don't let him off the hook while you go after the female and the innocent baby who didn't ask to be born.

caraag 8

It’s only going to hurt you to continue being so negative. You know your comments were petty. Find yourself and move on. You have to do that anyway..

There’s a time to just let shit like this go. Why are you even on their social media. You were wronged by a pair of jackasses but see intent on smearing the drama around, and in the end it’s you who will have shit on your face.

it's not the child's fault! Don't ruin the post!

Ambrily 27

Why do you keep sticking around them? If he is an ex, there's no point in starting shit under the baby's picture. The baby has done nothing wrong to anyone.

You tried to get revenge, you were spiteful and petty. Thats why people are saying stuff to you. Yes infidelity is bad and you may have been hurt. Revenge is not the solution, nor is attacking an innocent child. Stop seeing yourself as the injured party everyone should feel sorry for and move on. Live your life, dont just sit and grow bitter over something you have no control over. Also i agree with the reply on here that says are you as angry at him? He was the one that cheated on you.

if the baby was involved in the infidelity, then your life sucks. if the baby wasn't involved in the infidelity, then YDI.