Welcome to the neighborhood

By Anonymous - 12/06/2022 00:00

Today, the crazy bitch next door called the cops for me spying on her from my bathroom window. That window was painted shut by the previous owner, and I haven’t unsealed it yet. I had to show this to the cops to prove I have no illegal motive for pissing in my own toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 161
You deserved it 76

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Save yourself some trouble, put blinds on the window. “Painted Shut” is not the same thing as “cannot see through”.

tiptoppc 19

Windows exist to see through. Crazy bitch should put blinds on theirs if they don’t want people looking. The onus is on her, not him.


Save yourself some trouble, put blinds on the window. “Painted Shut” is not the same thing as “cannot see through”.

tiptoppc 19

Windows exist to see through. Crazy bitch should put blinds on theirs if they don’t want people looking. The onus is on her, not him.

Well, that's one way to get rid of the drugs. And the really small hookers.