Watcha doin'?

By DamnThatsHarsh - 16/10/2009 18:04 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were fooling around on camera. I was mostly naked and putting on a show for her, when I noticed that she was looking off to the side instead of where she normally looks when she's talking to me. She was playing solitaire on her computer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 423
You deserved it 4 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

What do you mean "mostly naked?" You're a dude! A woman can be topless OR bottomless and call that "mostly naked," with men, it's all or nothing. What? Did you have just one ball hanging out?

danis_fml 12

you probably bore her to death because solitaire isn't really that fun either


xoconnie 8

sorryyy but solitaire is awesomee. and maybe ur just not sexy enough (; ahhhaa!

You were "putting on a show for her?" Dude, put away the muppets and just screw her already. Unless of course we're talking Kermit on Miss Piggy action...

awwwww lol if you wanted to put a show on for me u kno tht i would always be there to watch :P lol

solitaire can be pretty hardcore, was she playing before you decided to put on this little spectacle?

sammyRachelle 0

Its hard to get anything out of dirty webcamming. Just watching from a far distance doesn't do much for a girl.

# 16 your almost as big as the pumkin in your pic!!!

HeyArnold91 8

For your sake I hope card games Boost her libido