By can't win - 13/01/2015 16:25 - Australia

Today, I was cuddling my girlfriend. The TV was on behind me, with some kind of girl's basketball game playing. When I stared into my girlfriend's eyes, she accused me of trying to check out the girls by looking at their reflection in her eyes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 485
You deserved it 3 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"No dear. I'm just trying to see deep enough into your soul to know if you're worthy enough for sacrifice to the Dark Lord."

BaDumTsss_fml 23


giantsfan2010 23

Girl if you could actually do that.

BaDumTsss_fml 23
TanzWolf 26

I'm always paranoid of stranger pixel girls on a TV screen. They look like might jump out and look at my boyfriend or something....

Are you dating the overly attached girlfriend (meme)

thomasrasmussen7 20

"No dear. I'm just trying to see deep enough into your soul to know if you're worthy enough for sacrifice to the Dark Lord."

kimeatszombies 22
FieldLeftBlank 20

Satan? I thought he meant Voldemort.

bryce0110 23

Everyone who replied here got bad reviews :P

wtf how come people here not get a you-know-who reference :O

kimeatszombies 22

I was trying to add a Bo Burnham reference, but no one understood. :P

It could be Voldy! Or it could be Sauron... I'll never tell! :)

Hail satan you religious christian-mormon *****. Go crucify yourself.

Your girlfriend is really insecure. If she really thinks you could get a good look at girls through the reflection in her eyes, she's got issues.

rdenkewicz 11

Why would she think you watch girls basketball to check out other girls? She needs to be worried about cheerleading, beach volleyball and the internet.

jojimugo 20

She's probably joking. I cannot see anyone saying that seriously. But if she is serious, then all I can say is run.

She's obviously been cheating on you with the toaster, and she's trying to cover it up. Break up with her immediately.

"Mm look at those .05 millimeter boobs" Your girlfriend is an idiot if she was serious.

But the girls could only be reflected in her eyes if she was looking at the TV too. Hate to tell you this, but it sounds like your girlfriend might be a lesbian.

Actually, she'd have to be looking at a point that's exactly equidistant between his eyes and the TV.

This is the internet. We don't need any of your fancy schmancy "science" around here!

trellz17 19

Witchcraft!? I'll get the stakes if you get the torches.

xD guys R E A L L Y need to start a show... like big bang theory or something!