
By kaipodable - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me that I can no longer sleep over at his house because his cat doesn't like it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 752
You deserved it 4 624

Top comments

Sorry to hear your boyfriend prefers his pussy over yours.

You made it too obvious, bro. That kind of behavior will drive the ladies away. Remember, don't say the obvious, use smooth talk.


ididntdoit1980 8

Guess he likes his pussy extra hairy!!!

you basically copied #47's comment! Also, it'd be funny if the girlfriend and the cat fought! The boyfriend would be like, "yeah, so my girlfriend got in a cat fight, with a pussy, over me!" FTW!!!

just goes to show priorities, and you just aint it

PeeNaught 3

Honey, tell your BOYfriend to suck a dick!! Oh wait, he already does, hence why he's saying that stupid shit. You can do MUCH better AND you DESERVE MUCH better!!

Sinamoi 18

What EXACTLY are you TRYING to tell op? Are you SAYING they shouldn't work THINGS out? I would find a DIFFERENT solution before trying TO break up.

sammyjanette 17

We've just confirmed it. The one with the pussy always wears the pants in the relationship. ;)

Damn lol something is going on. He is getting some midnight pussy lol

Maybe it's time for your "kitty" to be less friendly to your boyfriend, hmmm?

Make friends with the cat. Bring canned tuna over. Once the cat likes you, kitty will let you move into it's home.

dustyb72 2

Don't worry I tell all girls that sleep over that they have to share the bed with my cat. He doesn't interfere with sex and even ends up sleeping with my girlfriends!