Unfazed and dazed

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Lewes

Today, I found out that licking your very chapped lips while totally zoned out and looking in the general direction of a girl, will end up with you becoming the massive college creeper that everyone avoids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 539
You deserved it 3 691

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who knew that Chapstick could save you from a couple years of ridicule in college?

Next time, try and save it by saying "Hey girl, guess what else this tongue can do." Trust me, no one will think it's creepy. *crosses fingers behind back*


I zone out many times I completely understand. I remember once in high school it looked like I was starring at some guys butt but he just happen to start standing where I was already staring at. I could have easily been seen doing that and I also lick my chapped lips a lot. Totally feel your pain OP.

Maybe rub your lips instead of sticking your tongue out next time

In 8th grade I zoned out starring at a map in class. The teacher arranged us in groups and it happened to be behind the popular girl. Despite me also being a girl and obviously zoned out she made a HUGE deal of it. I wish I had known then what I know now and told her how full of herself she was.

ouijacorn 9

Licking your lips only makes them more chapped; I recommend EOS or Burt's Bees.

Yup... Sounds like girls. Hit the gym, then you can do it all you want and they'll ask you what you're planning on doing instead if what you're doing.

Only way to get out of it is to do it a few more times and then shake your head and come back to yourself, thus turning it into a non creepy zone out you do when "thinking". Obv so at boys as well.