Killing in the name of

By Anonymous - 05/07/2020 02:00

Today, I've loved for years that my boyfriend works at an animal shelter, but I learned from his coworker that he’s the guy that puts the animals to sleep, full time, sometimes 30 a day. Now I’m disgusted to sit in the same room as him, because he always says he loves his job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 719
You deserved it 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LadyRen 20

Animals get put down a lot of times because they’re too ill to have a good quality of life anymore. It’s like ending their suffering and allowing them to move on, maybe that’s what he enjoys. Helping the animals not feel pain and illness so bad they can’t really live as normal.

ChristopherL98 3

My last cat had to get put down because he had bad cancer and tumors all over his stomach and couldn't eat anymore. The vet said keeping him alive any longer is cruel and he should be put down. Throughout his life, he always hated the vet and avoided his little cage like the plague when he saw it that we brought him to the vet in. On his last day, when we tried to get him in to be put down, he just walked in right away and just sat there without any fight. Something about him just felt like he couldn't take the pain anymore and wanted it to end. It's sad, but sometimes they have to be put down due to health complications. They tend to be quite free spirited and when their health is so bad that they're on constant pain, it's sometimes the right thing to do.


What's wrong with your boyfriend helping animals get rest? He probably tucks them into their little doggie or kitty beds and reads them bedtime stories.

I mean, I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he loves his job because it's "easy" as in there is no hard labor... but yeah, I'd be concerned too. As an animal lover, I'd probably seriously re-evaluate my relationship with this guy.

LadyRen 20

Animals get put down a lot of times because they’re too ill to have a good quality of life anymore. It’s like ending their suffering and allowing them to move on, maybe that’s what he enjoys. Helping the animals not feel pain and illness so bad they can’t really live as normal.

ChristopherL98 3

My last cat had to get put down because he had bad cancer and tumors all over his stomach and couldn't eat anymore. The vet said keeping him alive any longer is cruel and he should be put down. Throughout his life, he always hated the vet and avoided his little cage like the plague when he saw it that we brought him to the vet in. On his last day, when we tried to get him in to be put down, he just walked in right away and just sat there without any fight. Something about him just felt like he couldn't take the pain anymore and wanted it to end. It's sad, but sometimes they have to be put down due to health complications. They tend to be quite free spirited and when their health is so bad that they're on constant pain, it's sometimes the right thing to do.

RollyPollyTrolly 9

I’m so sorry about your cat :( Also, I believe OP is more disturbed about the fact that bf mentioned he “loved” his job. I believe if bf didn’t openly say that they would move on easier since it’s something that can also be necessary to pets.

I would ask him why he loves his job so much and what he does. Then mention his coworker (don't name him) said what he does...

he probably didn't go into the job thinking that's what he would be doing, he has a boss to answer to right??.. a think of it in a positive manner, find the silver lining, he helps animals to be free of their pain, and maybe he doesn't like his job as much on the days that he has to put down the animals who are misunderstood and marked as vicious or a "risk" to others.. give him the benefit of the doubt. if you care about him, dont just assume you know everything, and what he goes through on a daily basis, yu dont know what demons he may be fighting from having to do that every day and yu dont know what it does to him inside himself, seeing that much death... go to him with an open mind and ask him about it.. an after yu have a better understanding of it, then make the necessary adjustments of how you feel about it and what yur choices are... assuming doesnt mean you know anything.. yu should always let the other person explain what is actually going on or how they feel.. I'm just saying.. yu dont want to regret something you say or do based on assumptions.. trust me.

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

You gotta realize that if he didn't like animals or was cruel, he would not be put in control of this task. This could mean that he has empathy, and cares about the animals. He helps them move on to the next life. Also, such a rough job would need to be normalized by anyone who does it. That would look different for everyone.

talk to him about it maybe he loves animals and gets to give them love and dignity so they won't be fearful in their last minutes by on this Earth... or perhaps he's a crazy wack job all dark and sinister as he plays the roll of the grim reaper... lol ...maybe he just wants to protect you from the bad feelings he suffers from having to euth

Win 9

I wouldn’t jump the gun and assume he loves euthanatizing animals for some sick pleasure. Maybe you are right, in which case it is disturbing & a huge red flag. But maybe he feels proud that he can do a job that is often required but only a few people can do. Maybe he’s proud that he has that skill to be able to provide relief to an often sick animal. Please talk to him before thinking the worst, because your fear is normal but it may be misplaced. Good luck OP!

You all know a vet is the one that puts animals down that are sick and shelters are usually putting animals down because they have too many or they aren’t getting adopted... yah I would be grossed out by him as well.

Exactly what I was thinking. Shelters usually don't just because they don't have room for them. Let's just hope that OP boyfriend only has to put down sick or injured animals, and not just because they aren't wanted 😢