Trial and mainly error

By unlucky - 13/11/2011 05:19 - United States

Today, I have done enough trials to confirm that I puke after each time I have sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 635
You deserved it 4 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dookiedoo 0

How does one volunteer to participate in such trials?


leadman1989 15

When someone tells you to sit and spin they aren't being literal.

N3766 20

Puke is ****** too, it makes your stomach feels better.

That's an odd way to look at it, but kind of true! .. I'll never think of orgasms or puking in quite the same way now.

nicole86 8

Last time that happened to me, it ended up being because I was pregnant... Yea, umm, maybe you should see a doctor && take a pregnancy test...

armyofficerwife 0

Not if it's been since day one. Your not going to start pregnancy symptoms that fast. That could just be a problem with OP's digestive system.

nicole86 8

Yea. If we knew specifics it would be a little easier to determine those kinds of things. We don't even know if OP is a chick or dude.. That's me assuming they are of the female gender due to my experience with a similar situation. They just need to go to the doc.

you are anemic. when you have an orgasim you have lost too much blood (not during sex) and it makes you sick. go to a doctor

Why did this get a thumbs down? It sounds about right. Looks like OP's iron may be running low. Happens to me too.

I was gonna comment this good thing I read first. :) great minds think alike.

HunterAlpha1 8

but you also lose blood when you vomit. or is that just me? maybe i should lay off the liquor.

Do you get motion sickness? Happens to a lady in this movie I once saw. "woman on top", starring Penelope Cruz.

thrAsHeRr9081 16

I was about to recommend some Meclizine. Lol

He must be well endowed if he can trigger your gag reflex from all the way down there!

leadman1989 15

Love the way you think....I'm well

RedPillSucks 31

Maybe he meant that his parents left him a lot of money...

EvilCupcake8361 9

I don't know about you but I think puking after sex sounds pretty unpleasant

Make sure not to puke on whoever ur doing. Oh and no more drinking for u mister!

that could be a sign of a cardiovascular problwm you may want to go to the doctor and explain that you throw up after rigorous activities

jobsman99 0

Guess you should not insist on deep throating your man or allowing him to shive it down your throat till you get your gag reflex perfected. Practice. Practice. Practice.