By Anonymous - 10/03/2011 22:28 - United States

Today, I overheard a little girl ask her mom if the round lady in purple was pretending to be a giant eggplant. I was the lady in purple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 266
You deserved it 9 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ViolentBears 0

Were you pretending to be an eggplant? I don't think your disguise was good enough cause she didn't fall for it.

dmndrby789 0

kids say the darnest things lol


cradle6 13

How many of these "someone called me fat" fmls are there???

seriously like every other fml is a "someone noticed I'm a whale. poor me." lol

cradle6 13

Why was I moderated???? Seriously? I'm totally within the FML rules and regulations.

ohthebloodygore 16

I know... my harmless joke was moderated, apparently they don't run a "creepy/dating site." haha

Uh, please actually read the rules you're citing next time, before whining in the comments section. It's annoying and embarrassing in equal measure for everyone else to read.

whoisthisgirl 4
AsianCookie247 14
meowmeowwkitty 0

eggplant lady isnt the only one in need of a diet! you too "whoisthisgirl"!

sammy92 0

if you r tired of ppl making comments like this then do something about it!!!!

Yes 12 I am tired of ppl making comments like yours. Replying to the first post even though ur comment is completely unrelated.

ohthebloodygore 16

23, I'm pretty sure it was meant for # 2. It's now moderated but it sounds as if she intended to reply to him, but accidentally replied to #1.

Kids and vaginas both!!! If only they did we would need less filters in the world...

iTerrorized 4

She should go on the reality show 'heavy' :)

mona_is_here 10

looks like OP should stop dressing up like a giant eggplant.:) lmao

cradle6 13

How many of these "someone called me fat" fmls are there???

annadorkable 0

too hilarious!! sorry for you op.

sooobe 3

dayumm!! look at that rack! behind you..

ViolentBears 0

Were you pretending to be an eggplant? I don't think your disguise was good enough cause she didn't fall for it.

i agree, you deserve it for being a bad eggplant.

danaaaLaEpic 0
dmndrby789 0

kids say the darnest things lol

samadams42 0

hahaaha with their hipping and hopping and oh ya know ehat im talking a bout.

Don't forget about the bippin' and the boppin' lol

so were you pretending to be an eggplant or not?

noni123 0

if she actually was planning to be an eggplant, then it wudnt b an fml! do u have a brain?!

ohthebloodygore 16

22, oh the irony. Did you happen to misplace your brain?

ohthebloodygore 16

30, no, #22 is just an idiot.

kingtz 6

#22 can't be a cat because cats have brains...

I dislike you already #36. I know for a fact I'm not an idiot nor do I have herpes. Good day to you. Only reason I read your profile was 'cause I couldn't tell if you were M/F.

violetdabomb 0

36, your profile looks like it was written by a mentally disturbed person.

persianjr1 7

36. your an ugly bitch, but then again, I'm too ******* stupid to spell "you're" correctly. I really don't deserve to live, what with my limited intelligence, and lack of social skills. I'm actually surprised I remember to breathe half the time!

ViolentBears 0

Oh, my freaking gosh. Are you effing kidding me? What is up with all these rude and insulting comments coming from you people? If you're going to make a comment to fight back against someone, don't insult their appearance. It's incredibly rude and we all know that there's probably a lot of other alternative insults that don't involve another's appearance because no one is perfect in their appearance. Gosh, y'all have terrible retaliation skills. Work on that instead of messing with the people that have been on FML forever and a day. =

125 lol your picture says stop hating. is that for everyone other than yourself?

BigHoshJosh 0