Too many JCS videos

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I discovered that when you buy ropes, duct tapes, a shovel, razor blades, a fire poker, and a carton of cigs, the police can turn up and search your house for 'prisoners'. Those items were actually coincidental. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 346
You deserved it 7 957

Top comments


I had no idea that buying household items which *could* be used in to aid in crime constituted probable cause. Good to know.

See how arch-conservatives have turned America from "Land of the Free" into "Land of the Paranoid". (or more accurately "Land of the Mute oppressed by the Paranoid").

it's scares me how they can track you down. Maybe you should start paying with cash.

Why did you buy those items? Hopefully not for some crazy fetish.

eh no one knows how to mind their business do they lol tell the cops u want to charge whoever reported ya with false accusations and slander n get em back la law style :)~

paolayupp 6

that's too funny to be coincidental :)

small_bar_101 0

So it's just coincidental you bought like an entire rape/murder kit...sure.

samanthanicolee 0

yeah buying that stuff all at once definitely does not sound like a coincidence

that makes sense considering they would need a search warrant.. nice one man

not if OP let the police search the house. Cops can knock on your door and say can we come in.

bwenduh45 7

The question is,why did you have those things? hmm.

bwenduh45 7

The question is,why did you have those things? hmm.