Too many JCS videos

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I discovered that when you buy ropes, duct tapes, a shovel, razor blades, a fire poker, and a carton of cigs, the police can turn up and search your house for 'prisoners'. Those items were actually coincidental. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 346
You deserved it 7 957

Top comments


MissBBGoodGirl 0

This is why you need to pay with cash op, otherwise the government tracks your spending!.. jk (though it could be true) The person at the store ringing your stuff up must written down your plate number, and called you in for being a weird creep!

cash and a ride from a friend who dont care much about, so it's his plates that are copied down. also some wash out hair coloring, works good, so I hear...

MissBBGoodGirl 0

Is that your car in the picture? You should totally paint an 01 on the doors!

that is a fuked up list what do you do for a living?

emmiep1011 7

so, what exactly were you using these items for then...

Coz that doesn't seem suspicious AT ALL...

limblessorphan 4

And? are the cops still in your basement or did you bury them already?

I can see that happening to my bf...sounds like a fun night to me :P

so....what did you really need these things for?