By Anonymous - 23/08/2012 16:50 - Canada - London

Today, while working at the pet store, I had to feed the snakes. I'd thawed too many mice, so instead of wasting one, I fed it to our turtles. They decided to play tug of war with it, ripping it in half in front of several terrified children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 652
You deserved it 29 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sounds so horrific but for some reason I can't help but to giggle.

Psych101 9

I really doubt the "I like turtles" kid would have said that after watching this.


I think that's sad but I admit that I did laugh extremely hard

hehe, i laughed hoping someone would ask me why i'm laughing. then i reasised i'm home alone :(

I don't see why so many people put ydi I mean they need to eat its nature and you were doing your job. And the kids would have to watch it anyway if they were getting one haha And also where were the kids parents couldn't they have figured out they didn't want there kids to see that

Lmaster1234 5

that would be awesome to watch

I'm not sure if this deserves an FYL or a YDI but, either way, it's funny as ****!!!

turtles are so cool. I fed threw a sm bluegill in with them and they played tug o war until it literally exploded, the tank was a mess. btw one mouse? how many turtles were you hoping wiuld share it?