By unproud - 15/11/2013 07:05 - United Kingdom - Luton

Today, while my hometown mayor becomes a world-famous crackhead and douche-bag, here in the UK it has come to this: when people hear my accent and ask me if I'm American, it's less embarrassing just to say, "Yeah", rather than admit I'm Canadian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 116
You deserved it 7 030

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's not that big of a deal, OP. He isn't the first politician to do drugs or have some sort of scandal going on. He won't be the last. Everyone has flaws and their problems.

How is being an American embarrassing? I'm not even born in this country yet I'm proud of being here. Besides, why would you let the mayor define your pride?


As someone from the UK... nope, still correct to Canadian. Always less embarrassing.

ctlnaaia71 8

Well OP, after reading your comment, I am totally positive that Canadians are the biggest assholes on earth. I went once to Canada, and that was the last one, why? Because of the nastiness of the people.

Ah, the Ford brothers strike again. Rob is who I'm thinking this is about. Don't worry, his brother Doug is making things much, much worse!