By Djcc - 21/02/2012 18:03 - United States

Today, while my boyfriend and I were watching TV, I asked him if he loved me. He turned up the volume. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 981
You deserved it 7 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments


theonlysweetpea 10

Usually I think guys need to get over some baby issues (society telling them men don't have emotions, other guys bitchin about how unmanly it is to love your wife or girlfriend) but this is a YDI. Society usually tells girls we have to feel all this syrupy bull

theonlysweetpea 10

He'll say it when he feels like it, not before. (I've never actually said it so I'm assuming he's like me)

*Sings* Let me sleep on it Baby, baby let me sleep on it Let me sleep on it And I'll give you my answer in the morning

Give him time. Besides, if you're a part of my generation then the term love is just thrown around casually and doesn't really seem to mean much.

my guess is either your asking this ? way to much, you just started daiting, or he loves the tv show more then that ? either way YDI

musicluvr2000 11
MaydayParadexx 18

If it was your first time mentioning love or had never said it to each other, YDI. If not and you guys have already said you love each other, FYL. If you've never said it before, you're putting him on the spot and making it awkward. I would have done the same thing, and I'm a girl.

slieb845 0