By Djcc - 21/02/2012 18:03 - United States

Today, while my boyfriend and I were watching TV, I asked him if he loved me. He turned up the volume. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 981
You deserved it 7 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Haha, this is hilarious, think we would get along perfectly he probably just enjoys your reaction!

you sound like the type of woman who asks if he's going to propose. let happen naturally. ydi

phantumgrey 6

Why do women want to talk at all the wrong times

graphicstyle7 17

I thought men played "hard to get" like that. THEY DON'T.... He does not love you. I know it hurts. Please don't waste your time with someone like this, find someone who will say it back, every day. I put up with crap like that for years, now I have a boyfriend who SAYS HE LOVES ME ALL THE TIME! Leave him.

Atleast he didn't say "no", that would have sucked.

skyeyez9 24

No more sex for him! Sounds like he is using you. You are Better off without him.

dudette2 9

And you still haven't dumped him?

if my boyfriend did that he wouldnt get sex for a very long time...

Op is one of those women that asks her BF if he loves her multiple times a day.

glenysrod17 0