By Anonymous - 15/03/2010 02:09 - United States

Today, while making out with my boyfriend, he started playing with my nipples. Suddenly he stops kissing me, looks at my nipples and says, "Have they always been like this? They look like joysticks!". He then started singing the Super Mario Brother's theme song and playing the game with my nipples. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 766
You deserved it 5 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

persianality 0

well I guess he knew u weren't worth it so he started playing Mario to find his princess


MyThoughtsR 0

lol. u must got some looooong nipples!! :P lol.

amayasoma 19

Lmao!!! Your boyfriend is WIN! I would so laughed my ass off to that. That seriously made my night/morning. You, however, need to get your sense of humor in check. You should have laughed instead of complaining. o.o

ninafea 0

I love Super Mario. He's my hero.

septor82 0
bihero 0
tweetbaby14 18

what's up with all the girls thinking they have an fml when their boyfriend does something funny?

lol. so grab his joystick and start playing assteroids. hah.

imdeborah 0

#56, I totally agree. Stuff like this shouldn't be on FML. It should be on MLIA or anywhere but FML.

Spewki 3

That's hilarious(!), and kind of cute. Instead of taking such offense, try getting a sense of humor. Nerd boys are adorable if you know how to appreciate their references.