By Roxy19 - 22/01/2013 06:50 - United States - San Diego

Today, while at the gym, my boyfriend wouldn't stop texting me. I was confident enough to text while on the treadmill. Bad idea: I hit myself on the bar and tripped in front of everyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 384
You deserved it 39 515

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you do a barrel roll? That usually offsets the embarrassment in my experiences. Who can laugh at a badass barrel-roller?

People never learn....the treadmill is a dangerous place!


People never learn....the treadmill is a dangerous place!

YDI just because someone texts you doesn't mean you have to respond. Lucky you were on the treadmill and not in a car. You could be dead.

egc573 40

49-I would bet good money that OP's texted while driving too, considering her reasoning. Also, I don't see what being "confident" has to do with texting on a treadmill; confidence shouldn't (ever) trump common sense. Is being confident going to change the fact that you'll fall and hurt yourself? And OP, no one will ever text you if there's a serious situation, so there is no excuse for texting while working out. Plus, I think the only reason your boyfriend was texting you so much is because you were responding. Most people who don't get a reply within ten minutes can usually take the hint that you're busy. Next time, leave it in the locker.

bfsd42 20

57, while I would like to agree with you that nobody would text you something very serious, there have been plenty of fml's which would prove otherwise.

egc573 40

61-I suppose so. I remember one FML where the text was, "I got your best friend pregnant." I like to think that people in general wouldn't text this sort of thing. But, when you assume... So, edit: ALMOST no one will ever text you when there's a legitimate emergency. It still doesn't justify trying to text while working out, though.

I almost lost my big toe on a treadmill. It got sucked up into it

Did you do a barrel roll? That usually offsets the embarrassment in my experiences. Who can laugh at a badass barrel-roller?

If its good enough for star fox it's good enough for me!

Probably the best way to describe a barrel roll ever.

Never divert your complete attention while on a treadmill. It'll almost always end badly.

I've seen too many falls on treadmills. All of them bloody hilarious. And bloody in general.

Treadmills are absolutely excellent for beating the shit out of human beings. I love to youtube videos of people acting like idiots on them and getting a brutal comeuppance, usually accompanied by a friend laughing hysterically at said idiots. Schadenfreude, what can I say?

Just think about how many random strangers you must have made smile. You probably made their days. I applaud you, OP.

You should leave your phone in a locker when you are working out. Not use it on a treadmill

I never have my phone on me at the gym. It's time dedicated to work on myself. You don't need to text people or check social media 24/7

I carry my iPhone on me when I work out so that I can listen to my Pandora. Music makes exercising more motivating when your play list is upbeat. (:

I must be super talented. I text while on the treadmill all the time and that has never happened to me. I'm sorry, OP.

doglover100 28

I've played games and used a keyboard while on the treadmill.

i cant stand that. my boyfriend is obsessive too. he never stops texting me, and if i dont answer he calls me a million times and leaves voicemails. then he texts my sister or friends. its really irritating. i feel bad for you op.

Well maybe for her it was a one time thing, or not as intense as for you, because I think it's you I feel sorry for. Sounds like you have 0 breathing space

vencku 13

I agree, your story is an FML in itself. That guy of yours seems to have some issues. Tell him to back off a bit. Of course you might like the attention, so it isn't a problem. Or he might have a good reason to be so controlling. Who knows.

perdix 29

#9, who could blame him? Just look at you! If I were him, I'd be scared, too. There are a lot of creepers out there.

That's probably because you're 15...guys that age will be like that, especially if its a first relationship for him.

I know what you mean, guurrllll. My girlfriend is just like that! If I don't answer her calls, or if I respond with, "yo, bitch", she gets angry... Sometimes she can be so weird...

i like getting compliments now and then, and I'm happy he doesn't just ignore me, but its too much sometimes haha. and its not his first relationship either. but hey, at least i didn't faceplant on a treadmill dealing with him though.

Run forrest ru.... Oh crap. Seriously tho if I were there if probably have laughed at you when I found out why you fell

oj101 33

Oh OP, don't go tripping all over the place just for your boyfreind.