By Anonymous - 15/12/2011 17:26 - United States

Today, while at family dinner, my boyfriend got drunk and told my entire family the things I do in bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 844
You deserved it 5 560

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CassieMarieee 7

Nothing brings people together like some good old fashioned conversation at a family dinner :)

"She's okay with the missionary, and nothing else. Missionary, missionary, missionary. I'm all for a Christian lifestyle but this is ridiculous."


lightningman 0

Santa only stoped at 3 hoes. You went for four...

linkinpark98 23

Hey, maybe you're right. Some people find this type of conversation surprisingly normal. o_0

i was wondering if he told them she talks in her sleep myself

maybe your parents got him drunk on purpose so he would dish the dirt on you.

Brooding99 15

Crack, this is what it does to your brain

argybargy 3

Don't you mean "EX-boyfriend"?

beddington 7

Family gatherings just got a hell lot more interesting.