By lk07 - 12/07/2019 16:00

Today, when I bent down to get something off a low shelf at the grocery store, I felt my shorts split wide open at the butt. All my husband did was make jokes about "that's not how you do the splits." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 503
You deserved it 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Emiweb 9

What... What was he supposed to do?

You’ve been married a long time, right? Had you been newlyweds, this story would have a hole different ending. The FML would be for the shopper who witnessed you humping doggy-style.


You’ve been married a long time, right? Had you been newlyweds, this story would have a hole different ending. The FML would be for the shopper who witnessed you humping doggy-style.

Pull a Regina George and work it with so much confidence that it becomes a trend!

Emiweb 9

What... What was he supposed to do?

samomaha 17

Apparently, he was supposed to put upo a privacy curtain and sew them back up while she was wearing them. Good grief!

Arabian_Soap 18