By whoopsiedoodle - 21/05/2009 12:45 - Canada

Today, we went out to dinner to a family restaurant, and I was wearing a skirt since it's so warm out. My 4 year old scooted under the table to sit next to his brother. When he popped up on the other side, he exclaimed, "Mommy! You forgot to put on your underwears!" People were staring. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 632
You deserved it 64 439

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well...why weren't you wearing underwear?

Maybe you should wear underwear- you're a mom!!


doodles88 0

gotta love children lol. but seriously, wear underwear if you're gonna wear a skirt... sitting properly might help too?

Dont blame the kid for this one, missy

All these stupid prudes on these boards! I hope my wife keeps doing this whenever we have kids, something has to keep the relationship going...

At a family dinner? I hope your wife's pimp at least brings back a section of the earnings...

lifsukssumtimes 0

People need to relax! So what if she's a mom??? Maybe OP just doesn't like the feel of underwear? It's not a sin to go without! Stop being so prude and single minded. It was a harmless accident and chances that the boy will remember are SLIM to NONE.

you're obviously one of the 'hip young' mums who want to act like 17 year old girls, and dont care about responsibility, and if you have a teenage daughter she'll probs turn out to be your bffl rather than your daughter. .. ok i sounded so old there. seriously though. wear pants.

HEYbitch_fml 0

Maybe next time, when you're at a family dinner and wearing a short skirt, you should put some underwear on. Or at least cross your legs while your children are under the table... Regardless of whether or not you're a mom and whether or not your vag is aesthetically pleasing, that's just gross and totally inappropriate for when you're with your family. Have some class.

jasey_rae 0

if you're out to dinner with your kids at a family resturant wear some underwear. and why would you even let your kid crawl under the table, especially if you're going commando that's nasty.