By nofriends - 19/10/2013 21:57 - United States

Today, we had to give a surprise speech in speech class on two of our best and closest friends. My first friend was my mom. I had to make up the other one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 266
You deserved it 5 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's okay OP! it'll get better! At least you have a close bond with your mom!


I wouldn't have done the speech at all. I mean, assuming the very idea of a pop quiz speech didn't send me into a panic attack, I'd have requested a different topic, stating incompatibility with my mental and social development as my reason. And if they wouldn't give another topic, then you go off and make your speech about the fact you were denied a suitable topic and take the F and the disciplinary action because goddamn it is fine to be solitary.

Guess what lots of people say "I have so many friends" but guess what? They really mean they have no friends or just they Right hand and Left hand

That sounds like me. :( Or I try to talk up my friends. Whether that be for me, a grade, or to make my social life look better, I'm not sure.

Ha this is my life's as well. It'll all turn out okay op you're not alone in the world!!

Giving a speech about friends ? Not like political or somethin ?

maggiefox 25

At least your mom agrees to being friends with you...

Klima_fml 29

Nothing wrong with having your mom as a good friend, and don't feel alone OP I don't have any close friends either. We just haven't met 'the' people yet no worries!

Why 2 friends? there are plenty of people who only have one really close friend sorry OP :(