By JulesBlues - 31/07/2019 20:00 - Germany

Today, we had the hottest day ever recorded in Germany. Well, at least this means I won't need a hot water bottle to keep my feet from freezing, right? Wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 442
You deserved it 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There been a heat wave in Germany and if your feet are still cold, you need to see a doctor, that is circulation problems and you need help.

Bring them inside. If you're cold they're cold


ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

my feet always be cold too but to me its normal and they don't feel cold sometimes vut everyone says they're look cold

But global warming is a hoax, right?!

No, the globe is heating up using heat from OP's feet.

There been a heat wave in Germany and if your feet are still cold, you need to see a doctor, that is circulation problems and you need help.

if you don't see a Dr, you might end up losing your feet. you obviously have a blood circulation problem. I do and I have had three surgeries because of it. next is amputation if I don't quit smoking.

It would be very ironic if you had to have your frostbitten feet amputated on such a day.

PlagueofFiction 20

Sounds like you have some horrible circulation problems. It could be early signs of diabetes or one of several other medical conditions. I highly recommended you see a doctor about your feet and see if they can help you out.

Bring them inside. If you're cold they're cold

Mungolikecandy 19

I am presuming you have a medical condition? If not then get to the doctor and get diagnosed as the circulation in those feet sounds like they may soon drop off.

This sounds like Air Conditioning from Freezing Hell. We have it at work, which means two employees actually use heaters in their office all summer.