By mybmw - 14/10/2009 10:39 - United States

Today, was my mom's birthday. I recently got my first job, thanks to her, and could finally afford to buy her something nice. I spent my first paycheck ever on buying her a very nice bracelet. She said it was nice, then asked if I would mind if she exchanged it for one she actually liked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 001
You deserved it 4 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least she will pick herself up something she will actually wear,better then having it lying around in her room...still ungrateful thi!!

I've given plenty of jewelry for women in the past (mother, sister, girlfriend). Personally, I would rather them say something like this to me than wear something they do not like! You have given your Mom a gift that she is grateful for no doubt - just because she has a different personal preference does not take away from that!


skb_fml 0

i understand that that sucks, but would you rather she just never wore it and never told you why?

I think what mom did was pretty bitchy, personally. I mean, he really tried... Or maybe that's just me, apparently. Personally, I've always found it rude. When my grandmother got me the same Barbie set as she did all the other granddaughters for Christmas, did I whine? (I wasn't much of a Barbie girl, by the way; it wasn't that she got it for all of us). No. I took the present, I thanked her, and I put up with it. Did I play with it? Eh, mostly just the little animals... and I just really put them on display rather than actually playing. Oh well. She's my grandma, I'm not gonna be an ungrateful brat and complain she didn't get me what I wanted or could use. However OP, if you wanted to win, you should have taken her to get something for her.

Thats nice of you, on the one hand, you know she will like what she gets now, and she said it politely, but you seem young and its the 1st real gift you got her, so she should have just faked liking it I think. Probably the proper thing for a mother to do.

thats not really an fml. if it was a really expensive bracelet then she should get one that she actually likes. thats not your fault or anything

Ur mum's a fag. She should get an exchange without you knowing if she really felt that way.

my father owns a taxi office and says I've always got a job on the phone while I'm at uni so I don't have to worry