By jennag5 - 24/03/2012 06:45 - Canada - Claresholm

Today, two drop dead gorgeous Australians asked me for directions. Being so shocked by their beauty and accents, I couldn't get words out of my mouth. The one said to the other "Nope she doesn't speak English", then walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 317
You deserved it 10 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is still a better love story than twilight.


alliebaba7 8

Wait your a girl and ur calling them gorgeous and stuff? That's messed up

So wait, your a lesbian who was checking them out?

OHHHHH YEAH! It sure is good to be Aussie

My throught process while reading this: BAAHAHA wonder where this shmuks from , aww this canada ... F*** ! My province too. Way to represent us . Australian accents are sexy especially on cute asians

VioletRaven1 8

Haha FYL but once i walked up to a guy (i forgot were this was) and asked him were we were and were to get to the closet supermarket place, his responce ahhhh ummm .....(silence)........n-nnic-ce. a-accent.....ahhhh.....huh......Its just down the road and took him bout...... 5mins to get to the point. But he was the one mostly like that and when he walked away he well was doing a stumbled jog thing ......……….......... Not sure if he was telling the truth or lying

Hahahaha I'm sorry but that's hilarious.

I feel you friend but 3 rules smile complement there smile and ask them for you to show them around it works well for me!! ;) good fml

It's ok op. Did you fancy them?if so I would check if they were lesbians too.

sjhughes0000 6