By Pavlov Dog - 03/02/2018 19:00

Today, I "woofed" at a man on a gay dating site before realizing he's my Psych professor. Now during every lecture I'll never forget his nipples are pierced. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 614
You deserved it 1 592

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The good news is if you don’t know an answer on a test, just write “pierced nipples” and you’ll get an A. And maybe a D, too.

Well, that didn't end up where I thought it was headed at the end of the first sentence. How many students are in the class, and how likely is it that he'll recognize you as the person who "woofed" at him? IOW, how likely is it that he'll think you were just trying to get into his pants for a better grade? To me, THAT would be the potential "FML" of the situation, not your personal epiphany that professors are human beings who can (a) be attractive and (b) have pierced nipples.


The good news is if you don’t know an answer on a test, just write “pierced nipples” and you’ll get an A. And maybe a D, too.

That very last sentence killed me lol

Well, that didn't end up where I thought it was headed at the end of the first sentence. How many students are in the class, and how likely is it that he'll recognize you as the person who "woofed" at him? IOW, how likely is it that he'll think you were just trying to get into his pants for a better grade? To me, THAT would be the potential "FML" of the situation, not your personal epiphany that professors are human beings who can (a) be attractive and (b) have pierced nipples.

If he’s not still your professor in a few months, or if they switch out mid-semester, then go for it.