By Anonymous - 12/10/2010 23:51 - United States

Today, I started college after a night out. I'd got tipsy at the club and started dancing with a cute guy. He asked for my number. I didn't want to give it to him, so I gave him a rejection number. Guess who's the new professor for my bio class? And yes, he recognized me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 676
You deserved it 37 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Idea for using a rejection number and not having the guts to just say how you feel to his face :/

Rejection hotlines should be reserved for creepers and douchebags, at least give decent guys that you just aren't interested in a wrong number and not a you-suck-at-life number.


Idea for using a rejection number and not having the guts to just say how you feel to his face :/

Rejection hotlines should be reserved for creepers and douchebags, at least give decent guys that you just aren't interested in a wrong number and not a you-suck-at-life number.

Or just say they don't want to give their number. I have much more respect for somebody that isn't afraid to say what they feel or think.

I agree just be honest, tell him your not interested. unless the guy just won't leave you alone, then by all means give him a rejection number

I would agree with you, but (and maybe this isn't it in this case) some women are afraid to reject a guy because some of them react very badly (stalking, assault, murder, etc.). Sad but true.

or or you can just tell them you don't like them.

Oh, OP. You could have had a professor who gave you hands on experience and made human biology more fun, but no more.

You sir, are one of the worst commenters on FML!

Why did you give a cute guy a rejection hotline number? I fail to see your logic. If you were hesitant to give him your number because you didn't know him that well, you should have told him that.

Daerauko 0

lol that doesn't make all that much sense either. seems she'd never get to know him if she refuses to talk to him again.

#136 Are you saying that I overrate myself, or OP? I'm aware that looks aren't everything.

snizzlesnuzzle 0

OP is obviously a freshman and slightly retarded. you just blew your chances of fulfilling the college student fantasy. I'm deeply sorry.

The fact that he's a biology professor made it even better.

FFML_314 11

Shave off all of your hair and dress like a boy.

What if her boobs are huge? Cross-gender? Cancer perhaps?


I'm with NGMH. why reject a cute guy?