By KC - 17/02/2009 23:44 - United States

Today, the priest was handing out red roses after church. The woman ahead of me asked for a rose. The priest said, "Sorry, we are only giving them out to single women since they didn't get any for Valentine's Day." Then he hands one to me. This was the first time I have been to that church. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 430
You deserved it 4 384

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My theory, like others have said, is that he wanted to be polite, and since he didn't know you, and didn't know if you were single or not, opted to give you one rather than asking you if you were single. Usually that's not something a priest would ask, and sounds more like someone wanting to date you would ask. Besides, if you're new he wants to be friendly and nice. And on that note, ignore #4. Church is wonderful.

atomicbaboon 0

51, I believe the hell 46 is referring to is church.


Maybe he thought that he had seen you there before and thought you were single? Idk

He didn't know you, so it's a logical reaction. If he didn't give you one, you would also be whining. And if you weren't single, you could give it to your loved one.

You deserved it for making me read that boring story.