By Marco - 13/10/2008 08:29

Today, the bank I use lost 5 billion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 198
You deserved it 12 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tbeaun 0

Ask them if anybody bothered to look under the fridge in the break room

the bank lost 6 billion? ok, who put 100,000 hotels on boardwalk!!!!


As long as you don't OWN that bank, I'm sorry about that. If you do, then I'm going with your bad.

Julez 0

dont worry, if u can post at a time like that, ull be fine

tbeaun 0

Ask them if anybody bothered to look under the fridge in the break room

GraphicArtsP7 0

Shut up. Thats Stupid. you Shouldnt even have a computer.

HahahaThatsFunny 0

That's happening alot with the economy ...

Sebastian69 0