By Anonymous - 19/11/2010 21:20 - United States

Today, stood in line for hours to see the new Harry Potter. Unfortunately, once inside the theater, I was stuck in the bathroom with the runs for the entire length of the movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 938
You deserved it 7 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments


xXBlAcKxWiDoWXx 0

haha I just got back from watching that!

KVKdragon 26

I just finished watching it and it was a blast (literally in some scenes)(Confrigo! ;]) just sneak into another show at a later time if they don't ask to see your tickets. don't miss out on one of the best Harry potter films yet. it's way too awesome to miss.

your lying. you would have dehydrated and died. so screw you and all the bad luck you get you deserve.

you deserve it for seeing it the first day. it doesn't matter when you see it and besides Harry potter sux.

ydi for going to see a crappier movie than your situation i would of watched lord of the rings instead of wasting money on something you ended up not watching

i_love_puppybrea 0

I personally like twilight it's interestig but I despise Harry potter I think it is a super boring movie/book about pointless stuff

and yet you like a series that has no development? ppl seriously need to stop comparing Harry Potter and Twilight. their far too different to even be comparing .

Demetra_fml 0

Well shame on you for leaving your wand at home! You could have Accio'd yourself some Pepto Bismol.